Friday, March 18, 2016

39.5 and Dunking -- some updates

So, it's been about 4 months since I posted to my blog... here's some updates:

  • Sprained an ankle in November, and tried to avoid dunk practice/etc. for several weeks.
  • Ate and drank too much over the holidays, and had my weight balloon to 236 pounds!
  • Got a FitBit for Xmas, and have been using it religiously to tracking my progress back toward my weight and general fitness goals.
  • Haven't attempted as many dunks in 2016, mainly because the practice rims at the facility I play at once/week were changed (and now have "no dunking" signs on all of the backboards)

Progress in 2016 so far:
  • I've dropped 12 pounds in about 12 weeks!  (236 back down to 224)
  • My vertical is coming back... I'd lost probably 4-5 inches from my peaks of last year, but I'm getting close to where I was.
  • I'm only about 7 months from the big 4-0.  That is now my one and only goal for this year:  DUNK AT AGE 40.

I will try to post more frequent updates as I progress toward my 40th birthday.  I still haven't found too many people out there dunking in their 40's, which inspires me to keep going an be somewhat unique in my goal.


  1. Hi there, just been going through your blog. I'm going to be setting the same goals for this year. I'm 38 (turning 39 in Sept) and am hoping to dunk again by year end. I've got some more weight to lose than you (I'm 6'2, 265) and probably need a good 8 inches or so to dunk. I'll be following your blog for more inspiration. Great updates! - Jeremy

    1. Glad to see some other "near 40" dunkers... getting down from 265 will get you there!
