Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Hitting the Reset Button (AGAIN) in 2018

Almost 1 year since my past post... but, like I've done with the start of almost every new year recently, I'm going to re-focus on some key goals.

A few updates:

  • I have an issue in my right foot, and this has thrown my whole right leg out of balance (I can feel a bit of pain in my ankle, knee, and hip).  This is forcing me to train a bit differently: less treadmill/running, and more exercises that won't cause strain on knee/hip.
  • I'm still playing rec league basketball, and still getting in dunk attempts on a regular basis.
  • I was maintaining a weight around 220 lbs (stayed between 220-230 for all of 2017), but had too much food and booze over the holidays... I was an even 230 lbs on the scale on New Year's day.

So, here's my stats for the start of 2018:

Age: 41
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 230 lbs (as of January 1st... but already I've shed a couple of pounds in the past 2 days)

One cool thing I was able to do near the end of 2017 was play in a corporate 3-on-3 event at the Raptors' old practice court at the Air Canada Centre!  Here's a pic of me attempting a dunk on that court:

For 2018, I'm also going to expand the content on this blog to focus on various dunking and basketball topics BEYOND just my dunking journey.

Also - as a reminder, you can follow me on various social media platforms:

Instagram:  bee.cee ("Bruce C.")
Twitter: @MidlifeVertical ("40 and Dunking?")