Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Hitting the Reset Button

It's been a few weeks since my last post, and I've spent most of that time with some nagging injuries (ankle, knee).  I haven't been exercising as consistently, and I've put on 10 pounds from my recent low of 215 lbs.

But, my knees/ankles are coming back slowly, and I am still committed to dunking in my 40's.  I've decided that I need to re-focus on my main goals, and track them more closely.

So, here's my "reset" stats:

Age: 40
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 225 lbs

Standing Reach:  8'1"
No-Step Vertical: 23"?
Max Vertical: 30.7"

I need to re-measure my standing (no-step) vertical and max (running) vertical, as I haven't tracked those in a while. To try and be accurate with these stats, I bought a pretty cool new "toy" called VERT:

I just opened the package today, and tried it out in my basement.  The device works very easily (clips to your shorts just like an old pager), and the app tracks all of your jumps and calculates average/max jumps per session.  Today I only got to a maximum of 26.6", but I'm pretty sure that I can beat that on a real court instead of a carpeted basement floor.  I will make sure to try a few jumps on a proper basketball court next week to see where I'm at.

UPDATE:  I tried out the VERT tracker on the court today, and the results were much better.  I had several jumps in the 28"-30" range, and a Max Vertical of 30.7".  Unfortunately, I had forgotten to measure my no-step vertical, so I'll have to do that next time.